February 2024
Do you dream to serve you community as an herbalist or birthkeeper with your deeply needed skills and knowledge while also having freedom over your time and energy?
Do do you desire the space to actually be intentional with your time and the ability to be fully present in your life?
Perhaps you dream of travel and need an income stream to help you realize that vision, or perhaps you are a stay at home or even a homeschooling parent who needs the flexibility to both work and care for your family.
Maybe you are simple overwhelmed with "people-ing", perhaps you are an interovert and seek to strike the balance between serving your community of clients and mantaining your health without getting run down, or depleted.
Or perhaps you are simply looking to strengthen your business by having more diverse offerings which help to fortify provide long term stability.
I know for myself I craved the space to actually be present in my life. I wanted to be able to truly be with my kids, or my family, my community.