Costa Rica
Talamanca Herbal Series/ Serie de Hierbas
Manzanillo, Talamanca, Costa Rica
Class Dates: Mondays January 13, 20, 27 from 10-2:30
Classes will be held at Cool & Calm Cafe, Beachfront in Manzanillo
Classes will be held in English

Centro Ashé is excited to offer our Talamanca Herbal Program in Costa Rica, a community based herbal program - we're dedicated to putting herbal medicine in the hands of the people! This program will include guest teachers that were born and raised in Talamanca, and we look forward to coming together in community to explore plant medicine. This program offers our community a chance to explore folk herbalism from various traditions, and to understand natures ability to support our health, strength, and vitality. The series is an introduction and includes herbal fundamentals, common medicinal plants, practical and therapeutic applications of herbs, nutritional healing, herbal preparations and medicine making, harvesting and wild crafting plants, herbal energetics and more. You will also get the chance to learn from receive expert instruction from the abundance of local, expert knowledge including local guest speakers! We will have lots of practical hands on time learning to make herbal medicine tinctures, salves, oils, vinegars, plus we'll have plant walks to see the plants in their natural habitats!
Species included in our classes are hombre grande, indio desnudo, gavilana, siempre vida, tumeric, ginger, coconut, guaba, veraneras, noni, cinnamon, senna, tamarind, hibiscus, juanilama, lemongrass, dormilona, papaya, passionflower, mints, garlic, rosemary, sage, thyme, pau de arco, and many many more.
Class Session Topics:
- Herbal Healing Traditions
- Medicinal Plants
- Nourishing Herbs
- Herbal Therapeutics
- Herbal Medicine Making - tinctures, salves, oils, vinegars
- Kitchen Herbalism
The Talamanca Herbal and Holistic Wellness Program Is:
~ For individuals with an interest in herbal and nutritional wellness and self care.
~ Focused on empowering participants with basic knowledge and information on holistic health and self care.
~ Taught by skilled traditional herbalists in areas of holistic health, herbs, nutrition, energy healing and more.
~ Is designed to give you practical skills as well as basic theoretical background on how to incorporate holistic wellness into your life, how to incorporate herbs into your diet and how to make basic herbal remedies.
~ Registration Information ~
Please send an email with information below BEFORE registering! [email protected]
Please take the time to answer the questions below so that we can learn more about you.
How did you find out about the Centro Ashé?
What are your specific interests regarding plants, healing, and spiritual practice?
What are you most looking forward to learning during this course? What are your desires and expectations?
What are some of your past experiences that have contributed to your interest in green medicine and earth-based living?
Please take some time to tell us about yourself, and to ask any questions that you have regarding this course.
Cost and Registration:
$60 Cost includes all three classes, activities, and class materials!
Pre-Registration is required to save your space, please email [email protected] if you want to pay on the first day or pre-pay below through paypal.
We have a limited number of space in the class. Lunches are potluck style please bring a dish to share!
Species included in our classes are hombre grande, indio desnudo, gavilana, siempre vida, tumeric, ginger, coconut, guaba, veraneras, noni, cinnamon, senna, tamarind, hibiscus, juanilama, lemongrass, dormilona, papaya, passionflower, mints, garlic, rosemary, sage, thyme, pau de arco, and many many more.
Class Session Topics:
- Herbal Healing Traditions
- Medicinal Plants
- Nourishing Herbs
- Herbal Therapeutics
- Herbal Medicine Making - tinctures, salves, oils, vinegars
- Kitchen Herbalism
The Talamanca Herbal and Holistic Wellness Program Is:
~ For individuals with an interest in herbal and nutritional wellness and self care.
~ Focused on empowering participants with basic knowledge and information on holistic health and self care.
~ Taught by skilled traditional herbalists in areas of holistic health, herbs, nutrition, energy healing and more.
~ Is designed to give you practical skills as well as basic theoretical background on how to incorporate holistic wellness into your life, how to incorporate herbs into your diet and how to make basic herbal remedies.
~ Registration Information ~
Please send an email with information below BEFORE registering! [email protected]
Please take the time to answer the questions below so that we can learn more about you.
How did you find out about the Centro Ashé?
What are your specific interests regarding plants, healing, and spiritual practice?
What are you most looking forward to learning during this course? What are your desires and expectations?
What are some of your past experiences that have contributed to your interest in green medicine and earth-based living?
Please take some time to tell us about yourself, and to ask any questions that you have regarding this course.
Cost and Registration:
$60 Cost includes all three classes, activities, and class materials!
Pre-Registration is required to save your space, please email [email protected] if you want to pay on the first day or pre-pay below through paypal.
We have a limited number of space in the class. Lunches are potluck style please bring a dish to share!

About Your Instructor:
Molly Meehan was born and raised by an avid gardener and chef outside of Washington DC where growing up she spent much of her time in the gardens and in the forests exploring. It was during college when Molly first went to Costa Rica in and attended the Institute for Central American Development Studies, an experience that laid the foundation for her deep love for the country. During this time Molly completed internships at FORO EMAUS, a non-profit doing advocacy and educational work with workers rights and environmental issues on Costa Rica banana plantations as well as ANDAR, a rural women's cooperative medicinal plant farm outside of Guapiles. This also marked the beginning of Molly's over decade long study of plant medicine and passion for preserving this traditional knowledge. After returning to the States to complete her undergrad in International Studies and Human Rights, Molly moved to California and worked at a non-profit serving refugees and asylees while attending the Self Heal School of Herbal Medicine, a community based herbal program. In 2007 Molly felt called to Costa Rica once again, and she ended up coordinating educational programs and studying plants at Punta Mona Center for Sustainable Living and Education for several years. This experience and the relationships that developed during this time were both formative and profound, and provided a hands on and practical nature to her study of plant medicine, as well as an immersion into Nature and her rhythms, while living at this off the grid permaculture farm. Molly attended the School for International Training for her Masters in International Development and her thesis Food Sovereignty in Talamanca Costa Rica focused on the local food and farming system through out Talamanca, Costa Rica. In 2011 Molly moved back to the States and accepted a job at the Accokeek Foundation (located near DC) where she worked coordinating organic farmer apprenticeship programs in livestock and organic vegetable production, a CSA program, as well as public outreach and educational programs on sustainability, food justice, and agriculture. Simultaneously Molly has continued her studies of plant medicine in the three year clinical herbalist training program at Sacred Plant Traditions and has continued to fall deeper in love with the plants as she deepens her knowledge in order to be able to share this with her community. Molly believes strongly in community based educational opportunities that are accessible and keeps this knowledge in the hands of our communities, and this is the inspiration for much of the programming we provide at Centro Ashé. Molly now focuses full time on Centro Ashé and spends half the year in the US and half the year in Costa Rica where she coordinates programs focusing on sustainable, just agriculture and plant medicine. Centro Ashé programs in the US are based on our small herb farm and botanical sanctuary located about 20 miles south of DC and we partner with Andy Cook Campbell traditional chef and co-owner of Cool and Calm Cafe for our Costa Rica programs.
Molly Meehan was born and raised by an avid gardener and chef outside of Washington DC where growing up she spent much of her time in the gardens and in the forests exploring. It was during college when Molly first went to Costa Rica in and attended the Institute for Central American Development Studies, an experience that laid the foundation for her deep love for the country. During this time Molly completed internships at FORO EMAUS, a non-profit doing advocacy and educational work with workers rights and environmental issues on Costa Rica banana plantations as well as ANDAR, a rural women's cooperative medicinal plant farm outside of Guapiles. This also marked the beginning of Molly's over decade long study of plant medicine and passion for preserving this traditional knowledge. After returning to the States to complete her undergrad in International Studies and Human Rights, Molly moved to California and worked at a non-profit serving refugees and asylees while attending the Self Heal School of Herbal Medicine, a community based herbal program. In 2007 Molly felt called to Costa Rica once again, and she ended up coordinating educational programs and studying plants at Punta Mona Center for Sustainable Living and Education for several years. This experience and the relationships that developed during this time were both formative and profound, and provided a hands on and practical nature to her study of plant medicine, as well as an immersion into Nature and her rhythms, while living at this off the grid permaculture farm. Molly attended the School for International Training for her Masters in International Development and her thesis Food Sovereignty in Talamanca Costa Rica focused on the local food and farming system through out Talamanca, Costa Rica. In 2011 Molly moved back to the States and accepted a job at the Accokeek Foundation (located near DC) where she worked coordinating organic farmer apprenticeship programs in livestock and organic vegetable production, a CSA program, as well as public outreach and educational programs on sustainability, food justice, and agriculture. Simultaneously Molly has continued her studies of plant medicine in the three year clinical herbalist training program at Sacred Plant Traditions and has continued to fall deeper in love with the plants as she deepens her knowledge in order to be able to share this with her community. Molly believes strongly in community based educational opportunities that are accessible and keeps this knowledge in the hands of our communities, and this is the inspiration for much of the programming we provide at Centro Ashé. Molly now focuses full time on Centro Ashé and spends half the year in the US and half the year in Costa Rica where she coordinates programs focusing on sustainable, just agriculture and plant medicine. Centro Ashé programs in the US are based on our small herb farm and botanical sanctuary located about 20 miles south of DC and we partner with Andy Cook Campbell traditional chef and co-owner of Cool and Calm Cafe for our Costa Rica programs.